General Guidelines
Volunteers shall exercise mature judgment in supervising children and shall in all instances respect the student's rights and privacy. It is essential that confidentiality is maintained. Volunteers should discuss any concerns directly and exclusively with the supervising teacher.
Each administrator and faculty member will determine how to most effectively use volunteers. In some cases, a decision may be made to use volunteers in classrooms other than that of a volunteer's child.
Disciplinary action is the legal responsibility of administrators and school staff. Volunteers should not be put in a position of having to enforce discipline. Volunteers experiencing a problem should immediately inform the teacher or appropriate staff member.
Dress Code
All Whitehouse ISD volunteers are required to dress in a manner that reflects an appearance appropriate for the position for which they will be volunteering and sets an example for students. All volunteers shall observe modesty, appropriateness and neatness in clothing and personal appearance. Any questions should be referred to the campus administrator.
Sign In & Out Procedures
All Whitehouse ISD campuses use the Raptor system to sign all visitors in and out. This same system will be utilized for the volunteer program. Once the volunteer application process is complete, the campus receptionist will scan the approved volunteer's driver's license and print a sticker badge that must be worn at all times while on campus for the day. Volunteers must return to the office to be signed out by the receptionist.
Code of Conduct
Working with Students
Removal from the Volunteer List
Volunteers may be removed from service from a campus or the district any time it is deemed necessary and appropriate to do so. If a report is received of possible misconduct or involvement in an inappropriate activity by a volunteer, an investigation will be conducted by the administrator responsible for that campus or department. This report of misconduct can be a verbal complaint or a written complaint made by a student, employee or community member. Volunteers may be removed for inappropriate behavior or misconduct that impedes the daily operation of the campus.
If circumstance warrants it, the volunteer may be restricted immediately from service to the district, pending the outcome of any investigation. Volunteers may also be excluded from working in the district or at particular campuses if the school administration and the Chief Human Resource Office conclude it is in the best interest of the district to do so.