Policy Concerning News Media
Whitehouse ISD works cooperatively with news media for coverage of issues and events involving the district, its students, and staff members. The district is dedicated to ensuring that all students are provided a safe learning environment without unnecessary interruptions.
The Communications/Public Relations department will serve as the liaison between the media and the school district and will produce and distribute new releases. To ensure that the district has an effective public relations program in place, it is essential that the Communications department is responsible for contacting the media and be well-informed of the various campus activities, student/teacher achievements, athletic events, etc.
Procedures for News Media
The Communications Department shall coordinate news coverage of the school district. The department is responsible for overseeing official communications between the school system and the news media by initiating story ideas as well as facilitating requests for news coverage from media and district personnel.
The superintendent of schools or his designee serves as the primary spokesperson for the district on all matters concerning political or controversial issues or with districtwide interest.
District or school event in which news coverage is requested must be coordinated by or through the Communications Department. District personnel should submit story ideas to the Communications Department as early as possible to the desired coverage date. These items may be submitted via email to: Clint Williamson - Communications/PR: williamsonc@whitehouseisd.org
News Media Access the District Schools and Facilities
Media representatives must initiate their requests to interview, film, videotape and photograph students and district employees through the Communications Department. Access to any school or facility must also be approved by the principal, director or his designee.
The Communications Department will contact the school administrator prior to a media visit. If media appear on campus without notifying the Communications Department, the school administrator should notify the Communications Department.
News Media Access in Crisis/Emergency Situations
In any crisis situation affecting the District or an individual campus the Superintendent shall be the official Districtwide spokesperson and shall be responsible for all communication with the news media.