Whitehouse Independent School District
Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan
Whitehouse ISD will be applying for CRRSA, ESSER II and ARP, ESSER III funding. The purpose of ESSER II is to prevent, prepare for or respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of ESSER III is to help safely reopen and sustain the safe operation of schools and address the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on students. The plan that follows is a draft intended to outline Whitehouse ISDs planned safety measures for the 2021-2022 school year while continuing to provide an excellent educational experience.
Maintaining Health and Safety:
To reduce the risk of transmission Whitehouse ISD plans the following mitigation strategies for the 2021-2022 school year:
Insulation of bottle fillers
Optional wearing of masks
The use of assigned seating, cohorts, and podding when appropriate
Proper handwashing encouraged
Hand sanitizer available
Targeted cleaning as appropriate
Positive cases will be reported to the local health department (NETHealth)
Local vaccination sites/providers available on our website
Appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities as identified in the student’s Individualized Education Program
Ensuring Continuity of Services:
Whitehouse ISD will continue to take appropriate actions to ensure continuity of services to students. These actions will focus on addressing students' academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs. Proposed plans to provide a continuity of services are as follows:
Increase Response to Intervention Staff
Professional Development for Educators
Chromebooks and Interactive Flat Panels
Summer School
Behavioral Support Staff
Instructional Materials
Bottle Fillers
Student Success Coordinator
Increased Special Education Staff
Increased Counseling
Increased Nursing
See the WISD Use of ESSER III Funds Plan for further details.
Opportunity for Public Comment:
During the development of the plan, student data informed input from staff throughout the district. Needs were prioritized based on wellness and instructional continuity. The draft plan was presented to the public through the Board of Trustees Meeting held on Monday, June 14, 2021. The draft plan was also presented to the WISD Education Foundation on Tuesday, June 15, 2021. Staff and community surveys are currently open. All feedback will be considered in revising the draft plan. Such revisions will occur prior to the application of ESSER III funds.
Periodic Review and Revision of the Plan:
During the period in which ESSER IIII funds are available, WISD will review and revise the plan at least every six months. These revisions will take into account parent and community feedback, as well as updated guidance from the Texas Education Agency.
For the Public:
Whitehouse ISD has taken the following steps to ensure availability of the plan to families and the community:
This draft plan is posted on the WISD website (whitehouseisd.org)
This plan is available in up to 110 different languages through our website provider.
This plan may be translated orally by request. Please contact Pedro Tamez to request a translation at tamezp@whitehouseisd.or or 903-839-5500.
A parent who is an individual with a disability as defined by the ADA may request the plan in an alternative format. Please contact Jackie Zigtema to make such a request at zigtemaj@whiteouseisd.org or 903-839-5500.